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metro mama

Very exciting.

It was wonderful meeting you.


I was SO happy to finally meet you both. I'm ready for some politicking on our issues -- I hope the other 800 or so BlogHers there are ready, too!


The feeling is 100% mutual!!!! It was really wonderful to meet you both and we are so looking forward to staying in touch, and making some great things happen in the coming year!!!!

David Wescott

It was great to meet you at BlogHer and I think you're demonstrating some really impressive leadership on this. Congratulations!


i can't wait. and what a terrific weekend.

Tracey Smith

Hi all,

Congratulations on getting this all up and running!

The Motherhood looks like a great community and I am sure you will soon be inundated with 'stuff' to do and people to get back too.

I wish you continued success.

Go sisters!
Tracey Smith


I am so excited about this idea.

Thank you for all that you've done to get it moving.


I'd like to sign up for the BlogHers Act listserv, please.

And could you direct me to where I can find the details on Global Health. It sounds great!

Thanks so much for your putting it together!

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