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Maybe it's because they are too scared to really listen.

Firstly, they might have to do something about it!

Secondly, they don't want to admit all these women are right!

ann adams

Right on, Sue.

If you had 800 at BlogHer, just think how many of us there are who couldn't make it.


What could happen if all women bloggers found a common ground and found the voice that could move our country in the way our"fore fathers " did?..Would that leadership and unity of purpose allow the women of America to finally take their place as equals ...or fore moms?????I hear it was a very challenging and dynamic Chicago conference. Cheers


My question is how do we get their attention?

It's infuriating!

Cynthia Samuels

It seems to me that many of the Yearly Kos people TALK TALK TALK and we women bloggers listen listen listen. Not as fashionable or macho but far more productive.

RookieMom Heather

It's an interesting conundrum. We want to have a voice (which we do) and we want to have it heard, but something tells me that traditional media might not represent us as we wish.

Just thinking out loud here.

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