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That.is.fantastic. I LOVE IT!

Debbie Stier

I discovered that Apple quote when my daughter was in the middle of the worst school year of her life (7th grade), and she was standing up for truth to a bunch of seriously poorly behaved kids. I was SO PROUD OF HER (she did not waver for one second, though there were a ton of tears). She came home the night I'd found that quote, and I read it to her, and we both sobbed and sobbed. She recognized herself in that quote as much as I did. I don't know how I got such a strong child (and that's not to say that that strength protected us from pain -- because it was a gut wrenching year), and I can't even say I'm sure my other child would be as strong as she is -- but somehow she never wavered from the truth and followed the crowd.

Emily McKhann

I'm going to keep the quote handy for when my daughters go through their hard times. I can only imagine how moving it must have been to read it together. Nothing like a good quote (or movie or book) as catalyst to get the emotion out on the table and even maybe clear the air a bit.

Debbie, I'm so proud of your daughter for you, and I hope this year is so so so much easier for her.

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